
Let's take a look at eccentric training: 1.) Training eccentrically makes you more explosive: In all of these actions, there is a distinct eccentric, amortization, and concentric phase. Sprinting, jumping, spiking a volleyball, throwing a baseball, swinging a golf club. Now think about all movements done in sport that are explosive or powerful in nature. The goal is to fine-tune the muscles/tendons to efficiently store and recover energy during movements. The energy is stored in tendons and collagen, but also in the muscle. Why do we care about this at all? Well first of all, the storage and recovery of the energy between eccentric and concentric muscle action is what causes a movement to be either powerful/explosive, or slow/weak. This is called the stretch shortening cycle (SSC).ġ.) Eccentric - muscles are actively lengthenedĢ.) Amortization - the stretched components of the muscle/tendon store energyģ.) Concentric – muscles are shortened and force is produced The athlete starts standing upright, then performs a slight downward movement (the eccentric action), and then explodes up as high as possible (concentric action). But so you have a visual, think about an athlete performing a vertical jump test. Concentric contractions occur when muscles shorten to produce movement, which we will talk about in the next post. The key to decelerating after a sprint or after a jump is eccentric contraction, or the lengthening of a muscle. Now think about what it takes to decelerate a human body flying (because he’s closer to flying than running) through the air at that speed.

decelerate decelerate

Let those numbers roll around in your brain again – 34 feet per second! That’s incredibly fast. His average speed during a race is around 23 mph, which translates into around 34 feet per second. Take for example world recorder holder in the 100 and 200m, Usain Bolt. You may not realize it, but producing and controlling movement is a pretty complicated process. Today, we are going to look at how the body handles deceleration, and how we can train it more efficiently. What separates the good athletes from the great athletes? The ability to accelerate and decelerate quickly.
